Runtime error in Merchant2/4.22/lib/db.mvc @ [00000006:00000372]: Line 157: MvADD: Error writing to 'Merchant2/00000001/basklist.dbf': Invalid argument WHOLE SPECTRUM: Bulk Bath Salts - Aromatic Salts

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Bulk Bath Salts - Aromatic Salts

  Dead Sea Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-DSC01-02
Price: $12.47
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 4 lbs.
Code: BS-DSC01-04
Price: $22.45
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 40 lbs. (1 gallon)
Code: BS-DSC01-40
Price: $142.68
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 8 lbs. (1 gallon)
Code: BS-DSC01-08
Price: $36.92
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Fine Grain Bath Salts - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-DSF01-02
Price: $12.47
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Fine Grain Bath Salts - 4 lbs.
Code: BS-DSF01-04
Price: $22.45
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Fine Grain Bath Salts - 40 lbs. (5 gallons)
Code: BS-DSF01-40
Price: $142.68
Quantity in Basket: none

  Dead Sea Fine Grain Bath Salts - 8 lbs. (1 gallon)
Code: BS-DSF01-08
Price: $36.92
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-EC001-02
Price: $7.16
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 4 lbs.
Code: BS-EC001-04
Price: $13.95
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 40 lbs. (5 gallons)
Code: BS-EC001-40
Price: $88.92
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Coarse Grain Bath Salts - 8 lbs. (1 gallon)
Code: BS-EC001-08
Price: $23.48
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-EF001-02
Price: $7.16
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts - 4 lbs.
Code: BS-EF001-04
Price: $13.95
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts - 40 lbs. (5 gallons)
Code: BS-EF001-40
Price: $88.92
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts - 8 lbs. (1 gallon)
Code: BS-EF001-08
Price: $23.48
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts with Australian Tea Tree oil - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-EFTEA-02
Price: $25.00
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts with Chinese Geranium oil - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-EFGER-02
Price: $35.00
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts with Comoros Islands Ylang ylang oil - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-EFYNG-02
Price: $35.00
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Fine Grain Bath Salts with French Lavender oil - 2 lbs.
Code: BS-EFLAV-02
Price: $25.00
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Medium Grain Bath Salts - 2 lbs.
Code: BS--EM001-02
Price: $7.16
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Medium Grain Bath Salts - 4 lbs.
Code: BS-EM001-04
Price: $13.95
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Medium Grain Bath Salts - 40 lbs. (5 gallons)
Code: BS-EM001-40
Price: $88.92
Quantity in Basket: none

  European Spa Medium Grain Bath Salts - 8 lbs. (1 gallon)
Code: BS-EM001-08
Price: $23.48
Quantity in Basket: none


CATEGORY 1 ADD $20.00/2 LBS.
fir needle, pine needle, sweet birch, cinnamon leaf, lime, orange, coriander, lemongrass, palmarosa, gingergrass, citronella, eucalyptus citriodora, eucalyptus globulus, clove bud, clove stem, clove leaf, wintergreen, anise, cedarwood, litsea, lavandin, cornmint, rosemary, spruce

CATEGORY 2 ADD $25.00/2 LBS.
Atlas or Himalayan cedarwood, lemon myrtle, cananga, ylang ylang 3rd, camphor, cassia, petitgrain, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine, balsam copaiba, cypress, eucalyptus smithii, eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus dives, eucalyptus polybractea, oakmoss, fennel, laurel, lavender, lavender spike, lemon tea tree, tea tree, cajeput, niaouli, nerolina, rosalina, peppermint, spearmint, nutmeg, basil, black pepper, patchouli, rosemary cineole, sage, marjoram Spanish, vetiver, ginger

CATEGORY 3 ADD $35.00/2 LBS.
Rosewood, Australian lemon balm, calamus, frankincense, jade cypress, ylang ylang 2nd, bergemot, myrrh, carrot seed, gurjum, cardamon, buddha wood, hyssop, juniper, myrtle, wild chamomile, geranium bourbon, geranium, parsley seed, black spruce, pimento/allspice, ravensare, ravintsare, rosemary verbenone, clary sage, Artemis™ relaxing, Medea™ detoxifying, Hemera™ energizing, Demeter™ feminine, Zeus™ masculine, Leto™ muscle relief

CATEGORY 4 ADD $60.00/2 LBS.
Blue cypress, emerald cypress, ylang ylang 1st, cinnamon bark, galbanum, lovage, kanuka, manuka, kunzea, magnolia leaf, sweet marjoram, spikenard, tagetes, blue tansy, thyme linalool, thyme geraniol, valerian

CATEGORY 5 ADD $110.00/2 LBS.
Mimosa absolute, yarrow, khella, angelica, roman chamomile, cistus, zdravetz, helichrysum, hyacinth absolute, jasmine, St. John's wort, lemon verbenon, blue chamomile, jonquille absolute, narcissus absolute, osmanthus absolute, mastick, sandalwood, vanilla bean absolute, violet leaf absolute

CATEGORY 6 ADD $210.00/2 LBS
Ambrette, neroli, inula, melissa, rose

6930 SW Star Jasmine Place

Beaverton, OR 97008 USA

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Telephone: 503 - 524 - 0111

Fax: 503 - 524 - 0112



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